Tuesday, November 04, 2008

An Election Story

In honor of the election today, I wanted to share a conversation Ivy and I had sometime last week.  It started with me asking if they had talked about the president at all in school.  She said they hadn't, so I started to try to explain a little.

Me: The president is the person who is in charge of the whole country.
Ivy: I call Daddy president sometimes.
Me: I bet he likes that!  On Tuesday, we get to vote for who we think should be president.  Do you want to come with me so you can see how it works?
Ivy: Sure.  I know who I am going to vote for!
Me: Honey, you have to be 18 to vote.  Only grown ups can vote.
Ivy: Okay, I know who I would vote for.  Some one who starts with a "buh" "buh" B
Me: BARACK OBAMA??  (thinking: "YES! I am raising her right!!")
Ivy: No!  Brandi (this kills me that she still talks about Brandi so much)
Me: Oh, there are really only two people we get to pick from, Barack Obama or John McCain
Me: (Insert internal screaming here)
Ivy: I like his name.  J is my favorite letter.

This, people, is what is wrong with America today.  I don't doubt there WILL be people voting based on what letter they like, or that Obama is young, or that McCain was a POW.  Take a look at the issues and make your own decision.

Did YOU vote today?

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