Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day three - we have pee!!

This afternoon, Ivy peed next to the potty, on the step stool we have in front of the sink so she can brush her teeth and stuff. This also included peeing on the roll of toilet paper that was sitting on the stool. Did I mention this is directly next to the potty? I was pissed (no pun intended). I put Ivy in a time out for four minutes (a full minute longer than normal, so you can tell I was mad, lol). After she was done with time out, I talked to her about how it's not okay to pee on the floor and pee belongs in the potty. If she puts her pee on the floor, she's going to have a time out. She understood.

I know that might seem harsh (it sounds harsh when I read it back) but I really feel that she isn't having accidents.... she's choosing not to pee on the potty. So I was trying to give her incentive, ya know?

So, a couple hours later, I was cooking supper. Ivy came into the kitchen whining that there were no diapers. So I said "well, go sit on the potty then," and reminded her what would happen if she peed on the floor. SO SHE PEED IN THE POTTY. Completely on her own then ran back into the kitchen to tell me about it.

There were a couple messes after that, but I really feel this is the beginning of the end of diapers. I can't freaking wait.


Anonymous said...

We kind of let it alone over here, and potty training is going well. But yesterday, I got ticked off. Normally, we use a pullup in the morning, and it's taken off at school. I guess they never got around to taking it off, and guess who decided to poop in her diaper later on at home? The pullup was dry, because she'd used the potty all day long.

She hasn't done that in a long, long time. I am so mean -- I told my husband that we shouldn't change it for awhile and let her see how really yucky that feels. He wasn't willing to go along, because we didn't warn her that would happen (even though I offered about six times to take her to the potty while she was pooping in her diaper).

Needless to say, no more pullups in the mornings.

ivylynn said...

What a cool thing you're doing here keeping a journal about your daughter. She'll appreciate it when she's older. And if names mean anything about a person's personality, you'll have a handful. ;) My name is Ivy Lynn as well. Best wishes to you and your family.