Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Eight Months

I can not believe that my baby is eight months old today. She is turning into such a little person. She crawls around using just her arms.... the army crawl. She has just started pulling up onto her knees, but hasn't mastered getting from her knees to her feet without a LOT of assistance from mommy or daddy. She says mamama, dadada, bababa, gagaga and I've also heard goo a couple of times. She sqeals a lot and does funny gurgling noises too. I just can't hold her or hug her enough. For her eight month birthday she gave us two presents..... she went from laying down to sitting up by herself and also held her bottle for the first time by herself.... she usually uses bottle time as pure relaxation, with her hands thrown behind her head. I just can't believe how fast they grow up......